Adobe Lightroom 3 is a powerful and intuitive tool aimed for photography enthusiast looking to organize, edit and publish their photos. I have only recently made the leap to replace my old Photoshop Elements, and was looking for some tutorials to help me get acquainted with Lightroom 3. Lightroom 3 101 tutorials for iPad did just that. It was only a few weeks back that i have decided to take the plunge and see what all the fuss around Lightroom 3 is about. I have bought and installed it, imported all of my albums from my old photoshop elements, and immediately got confused. There were so many different tabs, options and lots of different ways to present and work with your photos that i felt a bit overwhelmed.I have never worked with a photography workflow tool and was failing to understand how all of the modules in Lightroom fit together. So i started to look for some Lightroom 3 tutorials. There are tons of tutorials and tips for Lightroom, but not many of them are simple, concise and organized as a course to get familiar with using Lightroom.

Lightroom 3 101 tutorials is an iPhone, iPod and iPad app aimed at photography enthusiasts who are just getting to know Adobe Lightroom, and seeking an introduction to Lightroom 3’s controls and interface, as well as some simple pointers on how to use it. Chapters Menu shows that the tutorials are well laid out with interface and control overviews at the top, followed by module specific tutorials.

The tutorials are organized in approx 47 chapters that will cover all the aspects of the Lightroom 3 tool. First couple of tutorials will help you get familiar with how Lightroom 3 interface is organized, followed by more in-depth tutorials explaining the rationale behind each of the modules included in Lightroom. Each tutorial is presented in a simple, easy to understand way, and since it’s running on iPad (in our case), it gives you a chance to simultaneously try out each of the functions presented in the tutorial (on your PC or Mac), while you are watching it on your iPad, without the need to switch windows (as you would in the case of regular video tutorial).The tutorials are well explained, and easy to follow.Please note that this app is mostly aimed towards Lightroom beginners, and not towards more advanced users looking for cool and specific lightroom tips. There are several great Apple TV channels for that (i.e. Lightroom Killer Tips). However, given a price of $9.99 Lightroom 3 101 tutorials is a valuable addition to your Lightroom training boot camp, that will help you start using Lightroom 3 in no-time.You can get Lightroom 3 101 tutorials on the AppStore.